Walsh School of Foreign Service

Student Opportunities

African Studies Undergraduate Scholars

Our undergraduate scholars have the opportunity to work with faculty members on a variety of disciplinary and thematic approaches to answering important research questions. Scholars conduct their research under the mentorship of a faculty member. As part of the program, scholars are required to attend regular meetings with the faculty director and graduate student leader, and to participate in the intellectual life of the African Studies program by attending and participating in sponsored discussions.

Senior Thesis

Students with a GPA of at least 3.2 overall and 3.4 in African Studies have the option to apply to the senior thesis seminar. This seminar allows students to explore and research a topic of their own choosing. The thesis also affords a one-on-one tutorial experience, and the ability to develop arguments and apply theories and methodologies that they have learned in previous courses.

Click here to apply for the AfSP senior thesis

Read African Studies Program Honors Theses

Additional Opportunities

African studies supports students who wish to develop an independent study project under the mentorship of a faculty member in a tutorial format. These projects are accepted on an individual basis and depend on the initiative of the student. African studies works closely with Georgetown University’s Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation : gui2de. Gui2de offers a variety of student experiences to work on development projects and carry out research in the field.