Walsh School of Foreign Service

Lynda Iroulo

Lynda Chinenye Iroulo is a scholar of International Relations. Lynda received her Bachelor in History and International Studies and Master in History from Babcock University, Nigeria. She earned her PhD in International Relations from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, where she researched the institutional design of the African Peer Review Mechanism. A project funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Based on her PhD findings, she is currently working on a book project: Institution Building in a Multi-actor Postcolonial Region: How the African Union Navigates Diverse Demands. Her research interests are Decolonial International Relations, the design of International and Regional Organizations, African Regional Integration, and Africa in Global Politics.

Before joining GU-Q, Lynda was a research fellow and is now an associate at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs, Hamburg, Germany. She worked on the project: “Sources and Consequences of Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations” (LegRO), with forthcoming chapters on Legitimation and regionalism. She was also part of the Global Governance unit at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Berlin, Germany, from 2015 to 2019. She is actively involved in policy work. She co-founded the African Policy Initiative (API), a non-profit organization in Berlin. API was established to bridge research and policy gaps – consulting for governments and intergovernmental organizations. She is a non-resident fellow of the African Policy Research Institute. She has appeared in media interviews with Deutsche Welle. Germany; Expresso Das Ilhas, Cape Verde; Le Point, France; Netherlands Dagblad, The Netherlands; Tagesschau, Germany; and Augsburger Allgemeine, Germany.