Walsh School of Foreign Service

Armel Fosso Setubi

Armel Setubi, S.J. is a PhD student in the Global Infectious Disease program. Armel hails from Cameroon, a West-Central African nation. During his years of philosophy studies, Armel engaged with the work of African philosophers including Achille Mbembe, Eboussi Boulaga, Frantz Fanon, and John Mbiti to mention just a few. This encounter contributed to expanding his worldview, his understanding of Africa and what Africa could mean to others. Armel has been involved in teaching, humanitarian works as well as research work across Africa, in Asia and in the States. Prior to his current program, he studied philosophy and sacred theology. He completed a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology (St. Louis University) and a Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology (Georgetown University). He is particularly interested in HIV and the use of clinical and molecular data to evaluate disease burden, improve patients’ outcomes, propose policies, as well as evaluating programs and interventions.