Walsh School of Foreign Service


Now in its 40th year, the African studies program seeks to foster an interdisciplinary understanding of a range of issues that face the African continent today from politics and economic development, conflict management and resolution, governance, public health and a variety of others, within the historical context. Encompassing several of the world’s fastest-growing economies, an unparalleled ecological diversity and a vibrant population of more than a billion, Africa is a place of dynamic political, economic, social and environmental change- areas that warrant examination in any academic discipline.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Our Mission

AfSP offers a unique window into a vital, dynamic, but frequently misunderstood, region of the world: sub-Saharan Africa.

Our Mission

Asubuhi Newsletter

Asubuhi -“morning” in Kiswahili- the AfSP bi-annual newsletter highlights the activities of our students, faculty, and community partners.

Asubuhi Newsletter

Support AfSP

A donation to AfSP sustains the meaningful work of our students and faculty on the Hilltop and on the continent.

Support AfSP
Prof. Smith Profile Picture

Director’s Message

AfSP Director’s Message